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Monday, January 3, 2011

Sunday evening

Dating is hard work. How can you get to know someone, being open to possibilities, without being judgmental? Which characteristics are charming, while others are showstoppers? How can you go beyond physical appearance, the sound of his voice, the touch of his hand, and still be objective? How can you involve all three elements - intellect, emotion, and physical attraction to find the right combination? What is it that you are really looking for? How do you know if or when you've found it?

Not easy.

The last few days have been tough. I haven't seen Dominique since last Thursday. We weren't together for New Year's Eve - he had another commitment. Meanwhile, a couple of things came up during our lunch on Thursday that caused me to stop and reconsider. And so I raised the issues. It's important to be honest, right? And to be able to resolve questions as they arise rather than ignoring them, right? But communication since then has been sparse. What happens next? I don't know.

In the meantime, I decided not to stay home and mope. I went out Sunday afternoon and was lucky to snag a ticket for the sold-out, final performance of My Fair Lady (performed in English!) at the Théâtre de Châtelet. The show was great, and the theatre location in the center of Paris reminded me how much I love this beautiful city. The walk back to the metro took me past the Hôtel de Ville with its temporary ice skating rink:

And nearby Notre Dame.

Paris IS beautiful, isn't it?

p.s. After writing the above, I heard from Dominique. Everything is OK, even though I won't see him for another few days - and even then, for just a couple of hours in between his other commitments. No matter. At least communication is back on track.

1 comment:

  1. Ooh, the lights are still spectacular in Paris and the views are seeming more and more real as I contemplate my trip. Dating IS hard, but what distractions you have!
