I had great fun spending the weekend with Odette, Jean-Marc, Flo, and their four teenage children. It was good for my French, too.
Discussion was wide ranging - especially since Flo decided to study law after retiring from a career as an engineer. She's almost finished with her studies and will take final exams in October. Here's a picture of Jean-Marc and Flo. They will celebrate their 20th anniversary with a big party at the end of August.

In addition to law and politics, I learned a thing or two about math. Who knew that you could use sines and cosines to help cut the dessert cake into equal portions? It's common knowledge in the Duvergier/Lefebvre household.

Of course there were lessons in cuisine and foreign travel. Witness this ham that came from Spain. (It was delicious!)

From Sarah: perspectives of an almost 16 year-old French girl.

The door to Sarah's bedroom

And from the youngest, Merlin: How to read a Manga (Japanese style comic book) - from back to front and right to left.

Oh, plus a few lessons in guitar, too.

Yvan was this year's student driver. But he got us up the mountain to St. Nizier safely.
Sunday morning we drove up to St. Nizier, a half hour above Grenoble, for lunch. The weather was wonderful and we had our aperitif outside. That's Jean-Marc with Simon, Merlin, and Yvan.

After lunch, we had coffee outside and then went for a walk in the woods.
Here's Yvan

Simon and Jean-Marc

Jean-Marc and Odette walking in the woods.